How to write a maps overview


IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

What is a Maps Overview?

Maps: You are presented with a before-and-after scenario or two different maps representing the same area at different times. Your task is to describe and compare the changes that have taken place.

The overview is a crucial part of your response, as it provides an overall summary of the key features and main trends depicted in the maps. It should highlight the most significant changes, patterns, or developments.

Key Steps to Writing an Effective Maps Overview:

1. Carefully observe the maps:

Spend a few moments studying the maps and identifying the main differences. Pay attention to significant changes in infrastructure, land use, or any other noticeable variations.

2. Note down the key features:

Make a list of the main features you observe. These can include new buildings, roads, parks, water bodies, or changes in the distribution of various elements.

3. Identify the most significant changes:

Look for significant transformations or trends. These could be changes in size, density, or location of specific features. Try to find the most notable shifts in the maps.

4. Analyse the information:

Consider the reasons behind the changes you’ve identified. This can include factors like urbanisation, population growth, economic development, or environmental factors. Understanding the underlying causes will help you provide a more insightful overview.

5. Summarise the key features and changes:

Write a concise overview paragraph that summarises the main features and significant changes between the two maps. Focus on the most important differences and patterns you observed.

6. Use appropriate language:

Use a variety of vocabulary and language structures to convey your observations accurately. This can include comparative adjectives, adverbs, and phrases such as “significantly increased,” “noticeable decrease,” or “a substantial rise.”

Examples and Answers:

Let’s consider an example to understand how to apply the steps mentioned above:

Task: The maps below show changes to a city hospital between 2000 and the present.


Overall, the city hospital has undergone substantial expansion and modernisation over the period. A larger complex has replaced the initial building, and several new facilities, including a parking lot and a helipad, have been added. Additionally, the green area surrounding the hospital has been significantly reduced.

In this example, the overview provides a clear and concise summary of the most significant changes in the maps. It highlights the expansion and modernisation of the hospital, the addition of new facilities, and the reduction of the green area.

Now, let’s consider another example:

Task: The maps below show the development of a coastal village for tourism between 1990 and the present.


The coastal village has experienced a remarkable transformation into a bustling tourist destination over the given period. The initial small fishing village has been replaced by a vibrant resort town featuring new hotels, a marina, and an amusement park. The road network has expanded, connecting the village to nearby attractions, while the natural beach area has been significantly developed with the addition of promenades and recreational facilities.

In this example, the overview captures the significant changes in the coastal village, emphasising its evolution into a popular tourist spot. It mentions the new tourist-oriented features, such as hotels, a marina, and an amusement park. The expansion of the road network and the development of recreational facilities are also highlighted.

Writing an effective maps overview is crucial to scoring well in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1. You can provide a comprehensive overview by carefully observing the maps, identifying key features and significant changes, analysing the information, and summarising them in a concise paragraph. Remember to use appropriate language to describe the changes accurately. With practice and attention to detail, you can master this task and demonstrate your ability to analyse visual information effectively.

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