The number of international students from different resource countries in Canada and the USA in two school years

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Tables




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The number of international students from different resource countries in Canada and the USA in two school years

Common Questions for the Table

1. Graph Type: Table

2. Title: Number of International Students from Different Resource Countries in Canada and the USA (2002-2004)

3. What are the units of measurement?: Number of students

4. Who: International students from different resource countries (e.g., China, India, Canada)

5. When: School years from 2002 to 2004

6. Where: Canada and the USA

7. Topic: Number and changes in international students from different countries studying in Canada and the USA

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Total number of international students in Canada

  •  Details:

1. The total increased by 17% from approximately 60,000 to 70,000.

2. The largest growth seen in Chinese students, with a 45% increase.

3. The number of students from India and the USA also rose by 35% and 9%, respectively.

    Comparison 2 : Total number of international students in the USA


    1.  Total decreased by 2%, from over 580,000 between 2002 and 2004.

    2.  Chinese and Canadian student numbers rose by around 6%.

    3.  Indian student numbers fell by 9%, though India remained the largest resource country.

    Sample Answer

    The tables provided provide data on the number of international students from selected resource countries in Canada and the USA for the school years 2002 to 2004.

    Overall, it is evident that the USA had a significantly larger international student population compared to Canada during this period; while the total number of international students in Canada increased significantly, the USA saw a slight reduction.

    The total number of international students in Canada grew by 17%, increasing from around 60,000 in 2002 to 70,000 in 2004. The most notable rise came from Chinese students, whose numbers surged by 45%. Indian and American student populations also increased by 35% and 9% respectively.

    Conversely, the USA experienced a slight decline in international students, dropping by 2% from over 580,000 in 2002. Despite this overall dip, there was a 6% increase in students from both China and Canada. However, Indian student numbers fell by 9%, though India remained the top source of international students in the USA during these school years.

    Top 29 Vocabulary

    Vocabulary  type Meaning Synonyms Examples
    Evident Adjective Clearly seen or understood Obvious, apparent “It is evident that the USA had more international students than Canada.”
    Surge Verb A sudden and powerful upward movement Increase, rise, spike “The number of Chinese students surged by 45%.”
    Decline Noun A decrease in the number or quality Drop, reduction, fall “The USA experienced a slight decline in total international students.”
    Notable Adjective Worthy of attention or notice Remarkable, significant “The most notable increase was seen in Chinese students.”
    Substantially Adverb To a great or significant extent Significantly, considerably “The USA still had a substantially larger international student population.”
    Provide Verb To give or supply something Offer, Deliver “The tables provide data on international students.”
    Significantly Adverb To a noticeable or important degree Remarkably, Considerably “Canada’s international student numbers grew significantly.”
    Population Noun A group of individuals living in a specific area Group, Demographic “The USA had a larger international student population.”
    Increase Verb/Noun A rise in quantity or number Growth, Gain “Canada saw a 17% increase in total student numbers.”
    Conversely Adverb Introducing a contrasting idea On the contrary, However “Conversely, the USA experienced a slight decline in students.”
    Slight Adjective Small in degree Minor, Insignificant “The USA saw a slight reduction in international students.”
    Dip Noun A small decrease Decline, Drop “The USA saw a 2% dip in total international student numbers.”
    Remain Verb To continue to be in the same state Stay, Persist “India remained the top source of international students in the USA.”
    Top Adjective The highest in rank or quality Leading, Foremost “India was the top source of international students in the USA.”
    Source Noun The origin or starting point of something Origin, Provider “India remained a top source of international students.”
    Period Noun A length of time Duration, Span “The data covers the school years 2002 to 2004, a three-year period.”
    Noteworthy Adjective Deserving attention Remarkable, Notable “The rise in Chinese students is particularly noteworthy.”
    Growth Noun An increase in size or quantity Expansion, Development “There was substantial growth in the number of students from China.”
    Reduce Verb To make smaller in amount Decrease, Lower “The USA reduced its total international student population by 2%.”
    Drop Noun/Verb A decline or reduction Decline, Decrease “Indian student numbers in the USA dropped by 9%.”
    Expand Verb To increase in size or scope Enlarge, Broaden “Canada expanded its international student population by 17%.”
    Surpass Verb To go beyond or exceed Exceed, Outperform “The growth in Chinese students surpassed that of other countries.”
    Prominent Adjective Important or easily noticed Significant, Notable “India remained a prominent source of international students.”
    Fluctuation Noun Irregular rising and falling Variation, Instability “There was little fluctuation in student numbers from Canada.”
    Consistent Adjective Remaining the same over time Steady, Unchanging “The growth in Chinese students was consistent over the period.”
    Subsequent Adjective Occurring later or after something else Following, Later “The subsequent years showed a steady increase in Canadian students.”
    Relatively Adverb In comparison to something else Comparatively, Moderately “Canada had a relatively smaller international student population.”
    Highlight Verb To emphasize or draw attention to Emphasize, Underline “The data highlights the contrasting trends in both countries.”
    Exceed Verb To be greater than a certain amount Surpass, Overcome “The number of Chinese students exceeded expectations.”
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