Information about the posts held by women in parliament and in management in 5 countries in 2000

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Tables




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The table below depicts the information about the posts held by women in parliament and in management in 5 countries in 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for the Table

1. Graph Type: Table

2. Title: Percentage of Women in Parliament and Management (2000)

3. What are the units of measurement?: Percentage

4. Who: Women in five countries

5. When: Year 2000

6. Where: Five countries (Canada, Ukraine, Egypt, Rome, and Italy)

7. Topic: Comparison of women’s representation in government and management

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Women's Representation in Government

  •  Details:
  • In Canada and Egypt, nearly half of the government positions (approximately 50%) were held by women, highlighting significant representation. In contrast, Rome had the lowest representation, with only 10% of posts held by women.

Comparison 2 : Overall Trends

  • Details:
  • Italy exhibited a balanced representation, with 40% of government roles and 25% in management held by women, indicating a disparity in gender representation across sectors.

Sample Answer

The table provides a comparative analysis of the percentage of women occupying positions in parliament and management across five countries-Canada, Ukraine, Egypt, Rome, and Italy—in the year 2000. The data reveals significant variations in women’s representation within these sectors.

Canada and Egypt demonstrated strong female representation in the government sector, with nearly 50% of government officials being women. Conversely, Rome lagged significantly behind, with only 10% of positions filled by women. Italy also showed a noteworthy representation of women in government at 40%, while Ukraine had a lower figure of 23%.

When examining the management sector, the trends shifted. Canada and Egypt again reported an equal percentage of women in managerial roles at 36%. However, Ukraine outperformed both, with 40% of managerial positions held by women. Remarkably, Rome led with the highest representation at 52%.

Overall, the data suggests a notable disparity between women’s roles in government and management, particularly evident in Rome, where the difference in representation was most pronounced in 2000.

Top 26 Vocabulary

Vocabulary (type) Meaning Synonyms Examples
Representation (n.) The action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being represented Presence, portrayal “Women had strong representation in Canada’s government.”
Bureaucrat (n.) An official in a government department is often perceived as following rules at the expense of creativity Official, civil servant “Only 10% of posts in Rome were held by women bureaucrats.”
Scenario (n.) A postulated sequence or development of events Situation, context “The scenario was different in the management sector.”
Discrepancy (n.) A lack of compatibility or similarity; a difference Divergence, inconsistency “There was a significant discrepancy in female representation between sectors.”
Participation (n.) The action of taking part in something Involvement, engagement “Women’s participation in management varied across countries.”

Comparative (adj.)

Involving the comparison of two or more things

Relative, analogous

“The table provides a comparative analysis of data.”

Analysis (n.)

A detailed examination of the elements of something

Examination, evaluation

“The analysis highlights variations in representation.”

Occupying (v.)

To hold or fill a position or space

Holding, filling

“Women were occupying key government positions.”

Sector (n.)

A distinct area of activity or industry

Division, category

“Representation varied across the government sector.”

Variation (n.)

A change or difference in condition or amount

Difference, diversity

“The data reveals significant variations between sectors.”

Significant (adj.)

Sufficiently important to be worthy of attention

Notable, substantial

“There were significant differences in women’s roles.”

Officials (n.)

People holding positions of authority

Authorities, leaders

“Nearly half of government officials in Canada were women.”

Management (n.)

The process of dealing with or controlling things or people

Administration, leadership

“Women held 36% of managerial roles in Canada.”

Lagged (v.)

To fall behind in movement or development

Fell behind, delayed

“Rome lagged significantly in female representation.”

Noteworthy (adj.)

Worth paying attention to

Remarkable, notable

“Italy showed noteworthy female participation in government.”

Examining (v.)

Inspecting or analyzing something in detail

Analyzing, assessing

“The study examines trends in women’s representation.”

Remarkably (adv.)

In a way that is worthy of notice

Surprisingly, notably

“Rome remarkably led in women’s management roles.”

Disparity (n.)

A great difference

Inequality, gap

“A notable disparity existed between government and management.”

Pronounced (adj.)

Clearly noticeable

Distinct, marked

“The difference in Rome was most pronounced in 2000.”

Representation (n.)

The act of standing for or symbolizing something

Inclusion, delegation

“Women’s representation was high in Egypt’s government.”

Trends (n.)

General directions in which something is changing

Patterns, movements

“Trends in management varied across the countries.”

Figures (n.)

Numbers or statistics

Data, statistics

“The figures showed a sharp contrast between the sectors.”

Roles (n.)

The functions or positions assigned to individuals

Positions, duties

“Women’s roles in management outpaced government roles in Rome.”

Outperformed (v.)

To perform better than others

Surpassed, excelled

“Ukraine outperformed other countries in management roles.”

Leadership (n.)

The action of leading a group or organization

Authority, guidance

“Leadership positions in Rome were mostly held by women.”

Distribution (n.)

The action of sharing something among a group

Allocation, division

“The distribution of positions varied greatly by sector.”

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