The information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Process Diagram




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The flowchart below compares three methods to recruit new employees. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for Process Diagram (Water Filtration Systems)

1. Graph Type: Process Diagram (Water Filtration Systems)

2. Title: Comparison of Two Water Filtration Systems

3. What are the units of measurement? No specific units of measurement (illustration of filtration steps)

4. Who: Water purification systems for household use

5. When: Not specified (general water filtration processes)

6. Where: General use (household settings)

7. Topic: Two water filtration systems used for purifying water

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Basic Filtration System

  •  Details:
  • The first system involves a 200-liter water container, where dirty water is sent through an inlet at the top. The water passes through three layers: sand, tiny stones, and pipes with holes. After filtering through these layers, the water is purified and fit for drinking.

Comparison 2 : Advanced Filtration System

  •  Details:
  • The second system is more advanced, using two containers. The untreated water is first stored in a container with a tap, and then passed through sand in another container. After filtering through the sand, the water is stored again before being dispensed for household use.

Comparison 3 : Complexity and Purpose

  •  Details:
  • The first system is simpler and directly purifies the water for drinking. The second system involves additional containers and filtration steps, and is designed to filter water for general household purposes, not specifically for drinking.

Sample Answer

The given diagrams illustrate the steps involved in two different water filtration systems. While both systems aim to purify water through filtration, they vary in complexity and the final use of the water.

Overall, the first system is simpler and cheaper, providing clean drinking water directly. While more advanced, the second system is suited for filtering water for general use rather than just for drinking.

The first system uses a 200-litre container to hold untreated water. The water is filtered in three stages: sand, tiny stones, and pipes with holes. Once the water passes through these layers, it is purified and safe for drinking.

The second system is more advanced and consists of two containers. The untreated water is initially stored in a container with a tap, and then passed through sand in another container. After being filtered through the sand, the water is stored again and used for general household purposes.

Top 26 Vocabularies

Vocabulary  Meaning Synonyms Examples Type
Filtration  The process of removing impurities from a liquid Purification, straining Filtration is the primary method for purifying the water in both systems. Noun
Inlet  An opening through which liquid enters Entrance, input The dirty water enters through the inlet at the top of the container. Noun
Tiny  Very small or minuscule Small, minute The tiny stones in the first filtration system help in further purifying the water. Adjective
Container  A receptacle for holding something Vessel, tank The water is stored in a container before and after the filtration process. Noun
Household  Relating to home or domestic use Domestic, home The second system is designed for purifying water for household purposes. Adjective
Purify To make something clean or free from contaminants Cleanse, sanitize “The water is purified through filtration before being used.” Verb
Impurity A substance that contaminates something Contaminant, pollutant “The impurities in the water are removed during filtration.” Noun
System A set of components working together for a purpose Setup, method “Both systems aim to filter water but with different methods.” Noun
Stage A particular phase or step in a process Phase, step “The water is filtered in three stages in the first system.” Noun
Water Source The origin or supply of water Supply, origin “Untreated water comes from a local water source.” Noun
Advanced More developed or complex Sophisticated, improved “The second system is more advanced than the first one.” Adjective
Water Treatment The process of improving water quality for use Purification, processing “Water treatment ensures it is safe for general use.” Noun
Filtration Process The sequence of steps to purify water Filtration stages, cleaning process “The filtration process involves multiple steps to purify water.” Noun
Sediment Solid matter that settles at the bottom of liquid Deposit, residue “Sand and tiny stones help remove sediment during filtration.” Noun
Filter A device used to remove impurities from liquid Strainer, sieve “The filter removes small particles from the water.” Noun/Verb
Layer A level or sheet of material Stratum, tier “Each layer in the filter helps remove different impurities.” Noun
Tap A device for controlling the flow of liquid Faucet, spigot “The water is dispensed from the container through a tap.” Noun
Clean Free from dirt or impurities Pure, clear “The filtered water is clean and safe to drink.” Adjective
Untreated Not having been cleaned or processed Raw, unprocessed “The untreated water must be filtered before use.” Adjective
Safe Free from danger or harm Secure, protected “The water is safe for drinking after the filtration process.” Adjective
General Use Water suitable for various everyday tasks Household use, common use “The second system provides water for general use, not just drinking.” Noun
Purpose The reason for which something is done Aim, goal “The first system is intended for drinking purposes.” Noun
Remove To take away or eliminate Extract, discard “The sand in the system helps remove impurities from the water.” Verb
Contaminate To make something impure by exposure to harmful substances Pollute, taint “The water becomes contaminated if it is not filtered properly.” Verb
Supply A provision or source of something Source, reserve “Water supply is essential for both filtration systems to work.” Noun
Process A series of actions or steps taken to achieve a result Procedure, method “The filtration process involves several important steps.” Noun
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