The average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Pie Chart




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The average household expenditures in Japan and Malaysia in the year 2010

Common Questions for the Pie Chart

1.  Diagram Type: Pie Charts

2. Title: Average Household Expenditures in Japan and Malaysia (2010)

3. What are the units of measurement?
Percentage of total household expenditure

4. Who:
Researchers, economists, policy makers, students

5. When:

6. Where:
Japan, Malaysia

7. Topic:
Comparison of household expenditure categories between Japan and Malaysia

Detailed Process and Observations

Summary of Data : The pie charts compare the average household expenditure in Japan and Malaysia, focusing on five categories: housing, food, transport, healthcare, and other goods and services.


  1. Housing:
    • In Malaysia, housing accounted for the largest share of household expenses (34%).
    • In Japan, housing represented a smaller proportion (21%).
  2. Other Goods and Services:
    • Japan spent the largest proportion of its budget on this category (29%), whereas Malaysia spent slightly less, at 26%.
  3. Food:
    • The percentage of expenditure on food in both countries was relatively similar, with Malaysia spending 27% and Japan spending 24%.
  4. Healthcare and Transport:
    • Healthcare spending was the smallest in both countries, with Malaysia allocating only 3% of its budget, while Japan spent 6%.
    • Transport expenses were slightly higher in Japan at 20%, compared to Malaysia, which spent 10%.
  5. Overall:
    • In both countries, the largest portions of household budgets were spent on housing, food, and other goods and services.

Japan spent significantly more on transport and healthcare, whereas Malaysia allocated a larger share of its budget to housing.

Sample Answer

The pie charts compare the distribution of average household spending in Japan and Malaysia in 2010 across five categories: housing, food, transport, healthcare, and other goods and services.

 Overall, the primary differences in spending between Japan and Malaysia were in housing, transport, and healthcare, with Japan spending more on transport and healthcare, while Malaysia dedicated a larger proportion to housing.

 Malaysia allocated the largest proportion of its expenditure to housing (34%), while in Japan, housing represented only 21% of spending. In contrast, Japan spent more on other goods and services (29%) compared to Malaysia (26%). The spending on food was fairly similar in both countries, with Malaysia spending 27% and Japan 24%.

 The smallest share of the budget in both countries was allocated to healthcare and transport. Malaysia spent just 3% on healthcare, whereas Japan spent double that amount (6%). Transport expenses were higher in Japan, where they represented 20% of the total, compared to just 10% in Malaysia.

Top 28 Vocabulary


Vocabulary Meaning Synonyms Examples Type
Expenditure The total amount of money spent Spending, outlay Japan’s expenditure on housing was 21%. Noun
Proportion A part, share, or number considered in relation to the whole Percentage, fraction Malaysia spent the largest proportion on housing (34%). Noun
Allocate To distribute or assign a certain amount or share Distribute, assign, allot Japan allocated 29% of its spending on other goods. Verb
Healthcare Expenses related to medical services or products Medical expenses, health services Malaysia spent 3% of its budget on healthcare. Noun
Transport Expenses related to travel or vehicles Travel, commuting expenses Japan allocated 20% of its household budget to transport. Noun


The way in which something is spread out or arranged

Allocation, spread

“The distribution of spending was different between the two countries.”



The total amount of money spent on something

Spending, outlay

“Japan’s total expenditure on healthcare was higher than Malaysia’s.”



To give attention, time, or resources to something

Devoted, committed

“Malaysia dedicated a larger share to housing.”



A classification or group of things with similar features

Class, type, group

“The pie charts show spending across five categories.”



Important or large enough to be noticed

Substantial, notable

“The significant difference was in transport spending.”



The part or portion of something that is given or received

Portion, segment

“The smallest share went to healthcare in both countries.”



To examine the similarities and differences between two things

Contrast, evaluate

“The pie charts compare household spending in Japan and Malaysia.”



The distribution or assignment of resources or funds

Apportionment, allotment

“Japan’s allocation for food was 24% of the total.”



Having characteristics in common

Alike, comparable

“Spending on food was similar in both Japan and Malaysia.”



Showing variety or differences

Varied, different

“The spending categories were diverse in both countries.”



A part, share, or portion of the whole

Fraction, percentage

“The proportion of spending on transport in Japan was higher.”



To give special importance to something

Highlight, stress

“The charts emphasize the difference in housing expenses.”



To show the differences between two things

Differentiate, compare

“The contrast in transport spending is evident between the two.”



The central point of attention or activity

Emphasis, concentration

“The focus in Japan was more on transport and healthcare.”



To become larger or greater in size, amount, or degree

Rise, grow, escalate

“Japan’s spending on transport increased over time.”



To stand for or symbolize something

Stand for, depict

“Housing represented a larger share of spending in Malaysia.”



A measure, quantity, or frequency of something

Ratio, proportion

“The rate of spending on transport was higher in Japan.”



Assigned or distributed to a specific use or purpose

Apportioned, assigned

“Malaysia allocated 34% to housing.”



In comparison with something else

Comparatively, proportionally

“Transport expenses were relatively higher in Japan.”



Greater in amount, level, or degree

Greater, superior

“Japan spent a higher proportion on transport.”



In proportion to something else

Comparatively, relative

“Proportionally, Japan spent more on healthcare than Malaysia.”



The total quantity of something

Quantity, sum

“The total amount spent on food was similar in both countries.”



A plan or estimate of income and expenses

Financial plan, forecast

“The budget allocation for healthcare was low in Malaysia.”


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