The center of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Map




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The center of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Common Questions for the Map

1. Diagram Type: Map

2. Title: Plans for Development of Islip Town Centre

3. What are the units of measurement? N/A (Spatial changes within the town)

4. Who: City planners, local residents, and potential investors

5. When: Present (current map) vs future (predicted development)

6. Where: Islip Town Centre

7. Topic: Urban development and town planning in Islip

Detailed Process and Observations

Summary of Data: The maps compare the current layout of Islip town centre with the proposed development plans. Key changes include pedestrianisation, new housing areas, and a circular dual carriageway.

  1. Current Town Centre (Present Layout):
    • The town centre is centered around a main road stretching from west to east.
    • Shops are located on both the north and south sides of this main road.
    • To the north, the area is predominantly countryside, while the south is mainly residential housing.
    • A park lies to the east and a school to the southwest, both connected to the main road by side roads.
  2. Future Development (Planned Layout):
    • A new circular dual carriageway is planned to surround the town centre, creating better vehicle access.
    • The central part of the main road will be pedestrianised to encourage walking and shopping.
    • In the northern area, the shops will be replaced by a shopping centre and new housing. Additionally, a bus station will be built to the west, and parking will be added to the east.
    • The southern part will undergo fewer changes, with some new housing developments and a slight reduction in the size of the park.

Sample Answer

The maps illustrate the current layout of Islip town centre and the proposed plans for its future development.

 Overall, the planned developments aim to modernise Islip’s town centre, making it more accessible and pedestrian-friendly while preserving the southern residential area.

 Currently, the town is structured around a main road from the west to the east, with shops on both sides. To the north of the main road is mainly countryside, while the south is home to residential housing. A park is located to the east, and a school to the southwest, both accessible by side roads.

 The proposed development plans include a dual carriageway surrounding the town centre to improve vehicle access. The central part of the main road is set to become pedestrianised to enhance shopping and walking areas. In the northern part of the town, the current shops will be replaced by a shopping centre and new housing. A bus station will be added to the west, and parking spaces will be constructed to the east of the shopping centre. The southern part of the town will see some new housing and a smaller park, while other features will remain unchanged.

Top 25 Vocabularies

Vocabulary Meaning Synonyms Examples Verb Type
Pedestrianisation The process of making an area suitable for pedestrians Walkability, foot traffic The main road will be pedestrianised to enhance the shopping experience. Noun
Dual carriageway A road with two separate lanes of traffic for each direction Divided highway, expressway A dual carriageway will encircle the town centre to improve traffic flow. Noun
Shrink To become smaller in size Reduce, decrease, diminish The park’s size will shrink in the future development plans. Verb
Demolished To be torn down or destroyed Destroyed, dismantled The current shops in the northern area will be demolished. Verb
Bus station A place where buses stop to pick up or drop off passengers Bus stop, terminal A bus station is planned to be built to the west of the shopping centre. Noun
Redevelopment The act of improving or modernizing an area Renovation, reconstruction The town centre is set for major redevelopment under the proposed plans. Noun
Accessible Easy to approach, reach, or use Reachable, approachable The dual carriageway aims to make the town centre more accessible. Adjective
Preserve To maintain or keep intact Maintain, conserve The southern residential area will be preserved in the new development. Verb
Encircle To form a circle around something Surround, encompass A dual carriageway will encircle the town centre. Verb
Modernise To make more current or suitable for contemporary use Update, innovate The new shopping centre will modernise the northern part of the town. Verb
Infrastructure The basic structures and facilities needed for a society Facilities, framework The proposed plans focus on improving the town’s infrastructure, including parking and roads. Noun
Residential Related to housing or areas where people live Housing, suburban The southern residential area will remain unchanged. Adjective
Expansion The act of increasing in size or scope Growth, extension The expansion of housing will occur in both the northern and southern areas. Noun
Compact Small and efficiently organized Condensed, efficient The park will become more compact after redevelopment. Adjective
Revamp To renovate or improve something Redesign, overhaul The town centre is due to be revamped with pedestrian-friendly areas. Verb
Adjacent Next to or close to Nearby, neighboring The parking area will be adjacent to the new shopping centre. Adjective
Enhance To improve the quality or make something better Improve, boost Pedestrianisation is aimed at enhancing the shopping experience. Verb
Replace To take the place of something Substitute, exchange The current shops will be replaced by a new shopping centre. Verb
Construct To build or assemble something Build, erect New parking spaces will be constructed to the east of the shopping centre. Verb
Diminish To make smaller or less important Reduce, decrease The size of the park will diminish under the new plans. Verb
Relocate To move to a new place Transfer, move The bus station will be relocated to the west side of the shopping area. Verb
Transform To change significantly in form or appearance Change, convert The northern part of the town will be transformed into a commercial hub. Verb
Traffic flow The movement of vehicles in a particular area Traffic circulation The dual carriageway is designed to improve traffic flow around the town. Noun
Pedestrian-friendly Suitable or safe for people walking Walkable, pedestrian-safe The central road will become more pedestrian-friendly after redevelopment. Adjective
Amenities Facilities or features that provide comfort or convenience Services, facilities The new shopping centre will offer modern amenities for visitors. Noun
Urbanisation The process of making an area more urban Development, modernization The town centre’s urbanisation will include new housing and commercial areas. Noun
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