Changes that took place in Youngsville in New Zealand over a 25 year period from 1980 to 2005.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Map




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

Changes that took place in Youngsville in New Zealand over a 25 year period from 1980 to 2005.

Common Questions for the Map

1. Diagram Type: Maps

2. Title: Changes in Youngsville, New Zealand (1980-2005)

3. What are the units of measurement? Not specified, but the changes are measured spatially on the maps

4. Who: Local authorities, urban planners, residents, tourists

5. When: 1980 and 2005

6. Where: Youngsville, New Zealand

7. Topic: Urban development and transformation of Youngsville over 25 years

Detailed Process and Observations

Summary of Data :  The maps show the significant transformations in Youngsville over a 25-year period, from a rural residential area in 1980 to a more urbanized town by 2005.


  1. Changes to the South of the River Alanah:
    • In 1980, the area to the south of the river was characterized by a large number of trees and residential houses.
    • By 2005, the trees had been cleared, and the residential houses along the railway line had been demolished. This area was redeveloped with skyscrapers and industrial zones, including warehouses and factories near the school and airport.
  2. Changes to the North of the River Alanah:
    • Few trees remained, and the area was transformed into a golf course, park, and car parking facilities.
    • The stadium was built next to the northeast corner of the lake.
    • The railway line was extended from the river to the north, and a marina was created at the mouth of the river.
  3. Key Developments:
    • The once green and residential area has been transformed into a predominantly urban area with industrial, recreational, and commercial facilities.
    • These changes reflect a shift from a rural to an urban setting, with more infrastructure, entertainment spaces, and residential buildings.

Sample Answer

The maps show the dramatic transformation of Youngsville in New Zealand from 1980 to 2005. In 1980, the town was largely rural, with numerous trees, individual houses, and green spaces. However, over the next 25 years, extensive urban development reshaped the area.

 In the southern part of the town, the large residential area and trees were replaced by skyscrapers and an industrial zone, including warehouses and factories around the school and airport. In contrast, the northern area saw the conversion of the woodland into a golf course, park, and car parking facilities. Additionally, a stadium was built by the northeast corner of the lake, and the railway line was extended northward. The marina at the mouth of the river became another new feature.

 Overall, these changes illustrate a transition from a rural to an urban landscape, with more infrastructure, residential buildings, and recreational spaces. The town has clearly undergone substantial development, making it more urbanized and industrial.

Top 27 Vocabulary


Vocabulary Meaning Synonyms Examples Type
Transformation A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance Change, alteration The town underwent a complete transformation from rural to urban. Noun
Redeveloped To develop something again or make it better Renovated, reconstructed The area was redeveloped with skyscrapers and industrial zones. Verb (Past Tense)
Industrial Zone An area designated for factories, warehouses, and industries Factory area, manufacturing hub An industrial zone with warehouses and factories was built near the airport. Noun (Phrase)
Marina A dock or basin with moorings and facilities for boats Dock, harbor A new marina was constructed at the mouth of the river. Noun
Infrastructure The basic physical systems of a country or city (e.g., roads, bridges, railways) Facilities, amenities The extension of the railway line was one of the key infrastructure projects. Noun
Reshape To change or alter the form or structure of something Reform, remodel “The urban development reshaped the southern part of the town.” Verb
Rural Relating to the countryside rather than the city Countryside, agricultural “In 1980, the town had a rural character with many green spaces.” Adjective
Development The process of improving or making something more advanced Growth, expansion “There was extensive development in the town over 25 years.” Noun
Skyscrapers Very tall buildings typically used for office or residential purposes High-rise buildings, towers “Skyscrapers replaced the residential area in the south.” Noun
Conversion The process of changing something into a different form Transformation, change “Woodland was converted into a golf course and park.” Noun
Recreational Relating to activities done for enjoyment or leisure Leisure, entertainment “New recreational spaces were created for the community.” Adjective
Residential Relating to where people live Housing, living “A large residential area was built in the southern part.” Adjective
Substantial Of considerable importance, size, or worth Significant, considerable “The town has undergone substantial development over 25 years.” Adjective
Urbanized Made more characteristic of a city City-fied, developed “The rural town has been urbanized over the years.” Adjective
Industrial Relating to industry or manufacturing Manufacturing, factory “The area was transformed into an industrial zone with factories.” Adjective
Extension The process of making something longer or larger Expansion, enlargement “The railway line was extended northward.” Noun
Infrastructure The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of society Facilities, systems “The town’s infrastructure grew with the addition of the railway.” Noun
Warehouse A large building used for storing goods Storage, depot “Warehouses were built near the new industrial zone.” Noun
Factory A building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured Plant, workshop “Factories were set up around the airport area.” Noun
Park A large public green space for recreation or enjoyment Green space, open space “A new park was built in the northern area of the town.” Noun
Marina A place where boats are stored or docked Dock, harbor “A marina was created at the mouth of the river.” Noun
Suburb An outlying district of a city, typically residential Residential area, outskirts “The suburb was transformed into an urban space with new buildings.” Noun
Lake A large body of water surrounded by land Waterbody, pond “A stadium was constructed by the northeast corner of the lake.” Noun
Southern Relating to the direction or region to the south South, lower “The southern part of the town underwent significant changes.” Adjective
Northeast The direction between north and east North-east, NE “A stadium was built in the northeast corner of the town.” Noun/Adjective
Surge A sudden increase in something Rise, increase “Car use surged as the dominant mode of transport by 2000.” Verb
Green Space An area of grass, trees, or other vegetation set aside for recreational use Park, garden “The town lost many green spaces due to urban development.” Noun


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