Size of the Ozone Hole Over Antarctica and Production of Three Ozone-Damaging Gases (1980–2000)

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Line Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graphs below show the size of the ozone hole over Antarctica and the production of three ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.

Common questions for the line graphs

1. Graph Type: Line Graphs

2. Title: Size of the Ozone Hole Over Antarctica and Production of Three Ozone-Damaging Gases (1980–2000)

3. What are the units of measurement?: Million square kilometers (ozone hole size), Million tonnes (gas production)

4. Who: The size of the ozone hole and the production of ozone-damaging gases (CFC–11, CFC–12, N2O)

5. When: 1980 to 2000

6. Where: Antarctica and global gas production

7. Topic: Trends in the size of the ozone hole and the production of damaging gases over time

Process Showing and Trends

Comparison 1 : Ozone Hole Size

• Details :

1. Started at 400,000 sq. km in 1980.
2. Expanded ninefold to 3.6 million sq. km by 2000.
3. Minor reduction observed in early 1990s.

Comparison 2 : Production of Gases

  • Details:

1. CFC–11: Peaked at 70 million tonnes in 1980; gradually declined to <10 million tonnes by late 1990s.

2. CFC–12: Rose steadily from 25 to 50 million tonnes, surpassing CFC–11 in 1989.

Sample Answer

The two line graphs illustrate the expansion of the ozone hole over Antarctica and the production levels of three ozone-depleting gases from 1980 to 2000.

In 1980, the size of the ozone hole was relatively small, at 400,000 square kilometres. Over the next two decades, it expanded significantly, reaching 3.6 million square kilometres by 2000, marking a ninefold increase. The only slight reduction in its size occurred in the early 1990s when it shrank from 2 to 1.2 million square kilometres.

Regarding gas production, CFC–11 was initially the highest at 70 million tonnes in 1980 and maintained that level for three years before declining steadily to below 10 million tonnes by the late 1990s. In contrast,CFC–12 production saw a continuous increase from 25 to 50 million tonnes over the 20-year period, surpassing CFC–11 in 1989. The production of N2O began later, in 1990, and increased rapidly to approximately 40 million tonnes by 2000.

Overall, the data suggest that the expansion of the ozone hole was closely associated with the rise in CFC–12 and N2O production during the last two decades of the 20th century.

Top 28 Vocabularies


Vocabulary  Meaning Synonyms Examples Type


Extreme or significant

Severe, radical

“The ozone hole grew drastically by 2000.”



Consistent over time

Gradual, continuous

“CFC–11 production showed a steady decline.”



To go beyond the amount

Exceed, overtake

“CFC–12 production surpassed CFC–11 in 1989.”



To increase in size

Grow, enlarge

“The ozone hole expanded ninefold over 20 years.”



Linked or related to

Connected, correlated

“The rise in N2O was associated with the ozone hole expansion.”



To describe or explain something clearly with details

Depict, demonstrate

“The graphs illustrate the expansion of the ozone hole.”



The process of becoming larger or more extensive

Growth, enlargement

“The expansion of the ozone hole was rapid.”



In a way that is large or important enough to be noticed

Considerably, notably

“The ozone hole expanded significantly over time.”



Irregular variation or change

Variation, instability

“There was some fluctuation in gas production levels.”



A gradual decrease or reduction

Decrease, downturn

“CFC–11 production saw a steady decline after 1983.”



The production and release of gas or radiation

Discharge, release

“Harmful emissions contributed to ozone depletion.”



A reduction in the quantity of something

Exhaustion, reduction

“Ozone depletion worsened due to rising gas emissions.”



A general direction in which something is developing

Pattern, tendency

“A downward trend in CFC–11 production was observed.”



A sudden large increase

Spike, rise

“N2O production surged after 1990.”



A mutual relationship between two variables

Connection, association

“A strong correlation exists between emissions and ozone depletion.”



A continuous and gradual development

Advancement, evolution

“The progression of the ozone hole was alarming.”



Not changing frequently

Steady, constant

“CFC–11 production remained stable for a few years.”



Worthy of attention or significant

Remarkable, significant

“The increase in ozone depletion was noteworthy.”



A gradual stopping of production or usage

Discontinuation, elimination

“A phase-out of harmful gases was implemented.”



A circumstance that contributes to a result

Element, contributor

“CFC–12 was a key factor in ozone depletion.”



Sudden and striking

Intense, severe

“There was a dramatic rise in N2O levels.”



Remaining the same over time

Constant, steady

“The increase in CFC–12 was consistent over the years.”



Increasing rapidly at an accelerating rate

Rapid, explosive

“N2O production showed exponential growth.”



The highest level or value

Apex, maximum

“CFC–12 production peaked in the late 1990s.”



Happening slowly over time

Slow, progressive

“CFC–11 showed a gradual decline in production.”



The great size or importance of something

Scale, extent

“The magnitude of ozone depletion was concerning.”



To increase speed or rate of something

Speed up, hasten

“The production of N2O accelerated after 1990.”



The act of reducing the severity of something

Reduction, alleviation

“Efforts for ozone layer mitigation were introduced.”


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