A conference hall built in 1981 and planned for 2020

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Diagram




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graph below shows a conference hall built in 1981 and planned for 2020. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for Diagram (Plan)

1. Graph Type: Diagram (Plan)

2. Title: Conference Hall Layout in 1985 and Proposed for 2020

3. What are the units of measurement? No specific units of measurement (visual changes in the layout)

4. Who: Conference hall layout (plans for 1985 and 2020)

5. When: 1985 and 2020

6. Where: Location unspecified (assumed to be the same for both plans)

7. Topic: Changes to the conference hall layout between 1985 and 2020

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Reception and Small Hall

  •  Details:
  • The reception, small hall, and two rooms remain in the same position in both plans.

Comparison 2 : Car Park and Gardens

  •  Details:
  • In 1985, the car park and gardens were located on the northern side and southern side, respectively. By 2020, the car park is expanded, with part of the garden on the northern side being transformed into a new block for 20 rooms, and the remaining garden area on the eastern side converted into additional car parking.

Comparison 3 : New Additions for 2020

  •  Details:
  • The 2020 plan proposes new rooms, including a block for 20 rooms on the northern side and an IT course room in the south-west. A canteen, kitchen, three meeting rooms, and a game room are also added.

Sample Answer

The given diagrams depict the layout of a conference hall in 1985 and the proposed changes for 2020.

Overall, the 2020 layout emphasizes functionality with the addition of new rooms and facilities, though many of these changes come at the expense of the garden space.

In the 1985 plan, the hall featured gardens on the eastern and southern sides, with a car park and rooms situated on the northern side. The reception was centrally located, and the entire southern side was dedicated to gardens. In contrast, the proposed 2020 plan introduces several changes. The car park and part of the northern garden will be replaced by a new block with 20 rooms. The remaining garden area on the east is also planned to become a car park.

Furthermore, new facilities are introduced in the 2020 plan, including an IT course room, a canteen, a kitchen, and three meeting rooms on the southern side. A game room is also added to the southern section of the hall.

Top 28  Vocabulary



Vocabulary  Meaning Synonyms Examples Type
Layout The arrangement or design of something Plan, design The layout of the conference hall was modified significantly. Noun
Proposed  Suggested for future action Planned, suggested The proposed changes for 2020 include a new block of rooms. Adjective
Canteen  A room or area where food is served Cafeteria, dining hall A canteen is planned near the IT course room. Noun
Block  A large building or section of a building Section, unit A new block with 20 rooms is proposed for the northern side. Noun
Expanding  To increase in size, number, or importance Enlarging, extending The car park area is planned to be expanded in the 2020 design. Verb
Depict To show or represent something in a drawing or description Illustrate, portray “The diagrams depict the changes in the conference hall layout.” Verb
Modification A change made to improve or alter something Adjustment, revision “Several modifications were introduced in the 2020 design.” Noun
Alteration A small or significant change to something Change, modification “The most noticeable alteration is the removal of the gardens.” Noun
Renovation The process of making something new again Restoration, remodeling “The conference hall underwent a major renovation in 2020.” Noun
Redesign To change the design of something Rework, restructure “The hall was redesigned to accommodate more facilities.” Verb
Implementation The process of putting a plan into effect Execution, enforcement “The implementation of new facilities enhanced the hall’s functionality.” Noun
Rearrange To organize something differently Reorder, reorganize “The reception area was rearranged to create more space.” Verb
Elimination The removal of something Deletion, removal “The elimination of garden space allowed for more construction.” Noun
Upgrade To improve or enhance something Improve, modernize “The hall was upgraded with new meeting rooms.” Verb
Constructed Built or assembled Erected, established “A new IT course room was constructed in the proposed plan.” Verb
Converted Changed into a different form or function Transformed, repurposed “The garden was converted into a parking area.” Verb
Expansion The act of increasing in size or scope Growth, enlargement “The expansion of the car park reduced the garden space.” Noun
Facility A building or space for a particular purpose Amenity, service “The new facilities include a kitchen and a game room.” Noun
Replacement The act of substituting one thing for another Substitution, change “The garden’s replacement with new rooms is a key change.” Noun
Enhancement An improvement in quality or function Improvement, boost “The enhancement of the hall made it more functional.” Noun
Reconstructed Built again or altered Rebuilt, remodeled “The southern section was reconstructed to accommodate more rooms.” Verb
Reconfigured Changed or rearranged Reorganized, reshaped “The space was reconfigured to allow for better access.” Verb
Addition Something new that is included Inclusion, extension “The addition of a game room increased recreational options.” Noun
Implementation Carrying out a plan or idea Execution, realization “The implementation of a new IT course room was beneficial.” Noun
Integration The act of combining things into a whole Incorporation, merger “The integration of modern facilities improved the hall’s usability.” Noun
Restructure To change the organization of something Reorganize, overhaul “The entire layout was restructured for better functionality.” Verb
Refurbish To renovate or redecorate something Revamp, restore “The existing rooms were refurbished to match the new design.” Verb
Relocation The act of moving something to a new place Transfer, shift “The relocation of the reception area allowed for better access.” Noun


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