The information on waste disposal in a European country from 2005 to 2008

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graph below shows the information on waste disposal in a European country from 2005 to 2008. Summarise the information making comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for the Bar Graph

1. Graph Type: Bar Graph

2.Title:  Waste Disposal Methods in a European Country (2005-2008)

3.Units of Measurement :Million tonnes

4.Who: Not specified (general population of the European country)

5. When: 2005, 2006, 2008

6. Where: A European country

7. Topic: Waste disposal methods over time

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Landfill Method

  •  Details:

    1. In 2005, approximately 2000 million tonnes of waste were disposed of using the landfill method

    2. The amount decreased each subsequent year, dropping to just 1200 million tonnes by 2008.

Comparison 2: Burning Method

  • Details:

    1. Burning accounted for around 900 million tonnes of waste in 2005.

    2. The figure for burning remained relatively stable, with just under 900 million tonnes recorded by 2008.

Comparison 3 : Dumping in Sea


  1. In 2005, around 1200 million tonnes were dumped in the sea.

  2. The amount increased significantly to over 1600 million tonnes by 2008, making it the most popular method by that year.


Sample Answer

The column graph illustrates the various waste disposal methods in a European country from 2005 to 2008. It highlights notable trends in landfill usage, burning, and sea dumping over the specified period.

Overall, the data indicate a decline in landfill usage and an increase in sea dumping, while the burning method of waste disposal remained relatively consistent throughout the period.

In 2005, landfill was the predominant method, with approximately 2000 million tonnes of waste disposed of in this way. However, its popularity declined significantly, with only 1200 million tonnes being disposed of in landfills by 2008. Conversely, the burning method initially accounted for around 900 million tonnes of waste, remaining stable with a similar figure recorded in 2008.

Meanwhile, dumping waste in the sea showed a contrasting trend. In 2005, around 1200 million tonnes were disposed of in this manner, but this figure rose dramatically over the years, reaching over 1600 million tonnes by 2008, making it the most utilized disposal method during that year.

Top 5 Vocabularies


Vocabulary (type) Type Meaning Synonyms Examples
Illustrate (v.) Verb To clarify or explain by using visual aids Demonstrate, depict, show “The graph illustrates the methods of waste disposal over time.”
Predominant (adj.)   The most prevalent Dominant, prevailing, leading “The predominant method of disposal in 2005 was landfill.”
Decline (v.) Verb To decrease or diminish Diminish, lessen, drop “The amount of waste disposed of in landfills saw a decline.”
Fluctuate (v.)   To vary or change irregularly Change, oscillate, vary “The burning method of waste disposal fluctuated over the years.”
Contrasting (adj.)   Differing or opposing Different, opposing, diverging “The dumping in the sea showed a contrasting trend to landfill disposal.”
Column Noun A vertical division in a chart or table Bar, pillar, vertical “The column graph illustrates waste disposal methods.”
Highlight Verb To emphasize or draw attention to Emphasize, underline, stress “The graph highlights trends in waste disposal.”
Usage Noun The act of using something Use, consumption, practice “Landfill usage declined significantly over time.”
Period Noun A length or portion of time Duration, span, interval “The data covers the period from 2005 to 2008.”
Method Noun A way or process of doing something Approach, technique, process “Different waste disposal methods were analyzed.”
Popularity Noun The state of being widely used or liked Prevalence, acceptance, prominence “Landfill’s popularity decreased significantly.”
Recorded Verb Captured or documented in a specific form Logged, documented, noted “A similar figure was recorded in 2008.”
Dramatically Adverb In a striking or significant way Significantly, drastically, markedly “Sea dumping increased dramatically over the years.”
Consistent Adjective Remaining steady and unchanging Steady, stable, unvarying “Burning remained relatively consistent.”
Increase Verb To grow or become larger in size or number Rise, grow, escalate “Sea dumping showed an increase in usage.”
Decrease Verb To become smaller or less Decline, drop, reduce “Landfill usage saw a sharp decrease over time.”
Initially Adverb At the beginning Originally, firstly “Burning initially accounted for around 900 million tonnes.”
Contrasting Adjective Showing a difference or opposition Opposing, differing, divergent “Sea dumping showed a contrasting trend to landfill usage.”
Utilized Verb Made use of Used, employed, applied “Sea dumping became the most utilized method by 2008.”
Predicted Verb Foreseen or expected based on trends Forecasted, anticipated “A decline in landfill usage was predicted.”
Stable Adjective Firmly fixed or steady Constant, steady, unchanged “The burning method remained stable over the years.”
Notable Adjective Worthy of attention or remarkable Significant, remarkable, striking “The decline in landfill usage was notable.”
Rise Verb/Noun To move upward or increase Climb, grow, escalate “Sea dumping experienced a rise in usage after 2005.”
Steady Adjective Regular and consistent Stable, constant, gradual “The increase in sea dumping was steady over time.”
Significant Adjective Of considerable importance or size Important, notable, considerable “There was a significant decline in landfill usage.”
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