Illustrate electronic gaming trends in South Korea in 2006. The first outlines gamer age groups and gender demographics

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Graph




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The following graphs illustrate electronic gaming trends in South Korea in 2006. The first outlines gamer age groups and gender demographics. The second indicates game type preference. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

Common Questions for the Bar Graph

1. Graph Type: Bar Charts

2. Title: Electronic Gaming Trends in South Korea in 2006

3. What are the units of measurement?: Percentage of gamers by demographics and game type preferences

4. Who: South Korean gamers categorized by age, gender, and preferences

5. When: 2006

6. Where: South Korea

7. Topic: Trends in gamer demographics and game type preferences

Comparison Showing and Trends

Comparison 1: Gamer Demographics (Age and Gender)

  • Details:
  1. Males dominated all age groups in gaming.


2. The largest group of gamers was aged 20–29 (45%), followed by 13–19 years (26%).


3. Younger gamers (under 12) accounted for 14%, while gamers over 30 made up 15%.

Comparison 2 : Game Type Preferences

  • Details:
  1. Role-playing games were the most popular (50%).

2. Simulation games were the least favoured (10%).

3. Strategy/turn-based and action games had similar levels of preference, at slightly above 20% and 17%, respectively.

Sample Answer

The bar charts present information on electronic gaming trends in South Korea in 2006, focusing on gamer demographics (age and gender) and game type preferences.

Overall, male dominance in gaming was evident across all age groups, with the highest participation from the 20–29 age bracket. Role-playing games were the clear favourite, while simulation games had limited appeal.


In terms of demographics, the most significant proportion of gamers were aged between 20 and 29, accounting for 45% of all players. Males in this group dominated (35%), while females made up only 10%. Teenagers aged 13–19 formed the second-largest category, comprising 26% of the gaming population. Younger gamers (under 12) and older gamers (above 30) were less prevalent, representing 14% and 15%, respectively.

Regarding game preferences, role-playing games were the most popular, with half of all gamers favouring this genre. By contrast, simulation games were least preferred, attracting just 10% of players. Strategy/turn-based and action games had moderate popularity, with 20% and 17% of players choosing these genres. Other game types outside these categories were even less popular.

Top 5 Vocabularies


Vocabulary (type) Type Meaning Synonyms Examples
Demographics Noun Statistical data related to a population Population statistics The gaming demographics show male dominance.
Proportion Noun A part or portion of a whole Percentage, Share A significant proportion of gamers were aged 20–29.
Dominate Verb To have control or influence over Lead, Prevail Male gamers dominate across all age categories.
Prevalent Adjective Widespread or common Predominant, Frequent Teenagers were prevalent among younger gamers.
Genre Noun A category or type Category, Style Role-playing games were the most favoured genre.
Trends Noun General direction in which something is developing Patterns, tendencies, directions “The bar charts present information on electronic gaming trends.”
Evident Adjective Clearly seen or understood Obvious, apparent, noticeable “Male dominance in gaming was evident across all age groups.”
Participation Noun The action of taking part in something Involvement, engagement, attendance “Participation from the 20–29 age bracket was the highest.”



To concentrate attention on something Emphasize, target, highlight “The report focuses on gamer demographics.”
Significant Adjective Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention Major, substantial, notable “The most significant proportion of gamers were aged 20–29.”
Account Verb To make up or form a part of a total Constitute, comprise, represent “This group accounted for 45% of all players.”
Dominance Noun Power or influence over others Superiority, control, authority “Male dominance was evident in all age groups.”
Prevalence Noun The condition of being widespread or common Frequency, pervasiveness, occurrence “The prevalence of younger gamers was notable.”
Appeal Noun Attractiveness or interest Charm, allure, desirability “Simulation games had limited appeal among players.”
Attract Verb To draw or pull something toward oneself Captivate, entice, lure “Action games attracted 17% of players.”
Comprise Verb To consist of or include Consist, include, contain “Teenagers comprised 26% of the gaming population.”
Moderate Adjective Average in degree, amount, or quality Reasonable, middling, balanced “Strategy games had moderate popularity.”
Less Popular Adjective Not as widely favored or chosen Less favored, less preferred “Other game types were even less popular.”
Younger Adjective Referring to individuals with less age Juvenile, youthful, adolescent “Younger gamers accounted for 14% of the total.”
Represent Verb To stand for or symbolize Constitute, embody, portray “Older gamers represented 15% of the total.”
Decline Noun A decrease or reduction Drop, reduction, downturn “Simulation games saw a decline in popularity.”
Favour Verb To prefer or support Prefer, choose, back “Half of all players favoured role-playing games.”
Category Noun A group of things sharing a common characteristic Class, group, division “Gamers are divided into different categories by age.”
Outside Preposition Beyond the scope or limits of something Beyond, external, exterior “Other games outside these genres were less popular.”
Comparison Noun The act of comparing two or more things Contrast, juxtaposition, evaluation “The comparison shows a preference for role-playing games.”
Range Noun The extent or scope of something Spectrum, scope, variety “Gamers displayed a wide range of interests in genres.”
Percentage Noun A proportion per hundred Fraction, share, proportion “35% of male players came from the 20–29 age group.”
Population Noun A specific group of individuals in a context Community, group, demographic “The gaming population was dominated by young adults.”
Highlight Verb To emphasize or draw attention to Emphasize, underline, spotlight “The data highlights the dominance of males in gaming.”
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