How Should Reading Be Taught? Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop By Keith Rayncr a Barbara R Foorman A Learning to speak is automatic for almost all children, but learning to read requires elaborate instruction and conscious effort....
How To Handle The Sun Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop A The medical world appears to be divided on the effects of the sun upon the human body. From statements like, “There is no known relationship between a tan and health” to...
How To Spot A Liar Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop However much we may abhor it, deception comes naturally to all living things. Birds do it by feigning injury to lead hungry predators away from nesting young. Spider crabs do it by...
How Mobile Telephony Turned Into A Health Scare Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop The technology which enabled mobile phones was previously used in the kind of two- way radio which could be found in taxis and emergency vehicles....
How Fair Is Fair Trade? Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop The fair-trade movement began in Europe in earnest in the post-war period, but only in the last 25 years has it grown to include producers and consumers in over 60 countries....
How Does The Biological Clock Tick? Reading Answer IELTS Academic Reading Passage 20:00 Start Pause Stop A Our life span is restricted. Everyone accepts this as ‘biologically’ obvious. ‘Nothing lives for ever!’ However, in this statement we think of artificially...