Average Monthly Salary and Prices of Black and White and Color TV (1953-1973)

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Line Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graph below shows the average monthly salary and the prices of black and white and colour TV in Japanese yen from 1953 to 1973

Common questions for the line graph

1. Graph Type: Line Graph

2. Title: Average Monthly Salary and Prices of Black and White and Colour TV (1953-1973)

3. What are the units of measurement?: Japanese yen

4. Who: Average monthly salary and TV prices in Japan

5. When: 1953 to 1973

6. Where: Japan

7. Topic: Comparison of monthly salary and prices of black and white and colour TVs over 20 years

Process Showing and Trends

Comparison 1: TV Prices in 1953


1. Price of black and white TV: is 100,000 yen.

2. Colour TV appeared later in the late 1950s with a high starting price of 180,000 yen.

Comparison 2 : Changes from 1953 to 1973

• Details:

1.  Black and white TV price dropped steadily to approximately 30,000 yen by 1973.

2.  Colour TV price fell dramatically from 180,000 yen to 80,000 yen.

3.  Average monthly salary increased from 30,000 yen to 180,000 yen by 1973.

Sample Answer

The given line graph shows the trends in the prices of black and white and colour TVs and the average monthly salary in Japanese yen from 1953 to 1973.

In 1953, the price of a black and white TV was 100,000 yen. Over the next decade, the price dropped significantly, reaching 50,000 yen by 1963. It continued to decline moderately and fell to around 30,000 yen by 1973. Colour TVs entered the market in the late 1950s, initially costing around 180,000 yen. By the mid-1960s, their price had decreased sharply to approximately 110,000 yen. A gradual decline followed, with the price reaching 80,000 yen by 1973.

In contrast, the average monthly salary started at a modest 30,000 yen in 1953 and increased steadily over the period. By 1968, the salary rose to 110,000 yen and saw a steep rise to about 180,000 yen by 1973.

Overall, while TVs, especially black and white ones, were expensive luxuries in 1953 compared to salaries, the significant rise in income by 1973 made even colour TVs affordable within one month’s salary.

Top 27 Vocabularies


Vocabulary  Meaning Synonyms Examples Type
Downward Moving toward a lower level Declining, decreasing “The TV prices showed a downward trend over the two decades.” Adjective
Dramatic Sudden and striking Significant, drastic “The price of colour TV fell dramatically in the early years.” Adjective
Escalation A rapid increase Surge, growth “There was a steep escalation in average monthly salary after 1968.” Noun
Modest Relatively small or limited Moderate, Minimal “The average monthly salary started at a modest 30,000 yen.” Adjective
Luxury A state of great comfort or elegance Indulgence, extravagance “Even a black and white TV was a luxury for the common man in 1953.” Noun
Fluctuate To change continuously over time Vary, oscillate “The price of TVs fluctuated over the two decades.” Verb
Trend A general direction in which something is developing Pattern, movement “The graph shows a clear trend of declining TV prices.” Noun
Steady Happening in a gradual and consistent way Stable, regular “Salaries increased at a steady pace.” Adjective
Surge A sudden and large increase Rise, jump “There was a surge in income levels after 1968.” Noun
Plummet To decrease suddenly and significantly Drop, collapse “The price of black and white TVs plummeted in the 1960s.” Verb
Depreciate To decrease in value over time Decline, reduce “TV prices depreciated significantly by 1973.” Verb
Influx A large number of things arriving or happening at once Flow, arrival “The influx of colour TVs changed market dynamics.” Noun
Peak To reach the highest point Climax, top “The monthly salary peaked at 180,000 yen in 1973.” Verb/Noun
Gradual Happening slowly over time Slow, progressive “The decline in colour TV prices was gradual after 1965.” Adjective
Sharp Sudden and intense Rapid, abrupt “A sharp decrease in TV prices occurred in the 1960s.” Adjective
Stabilize To reach a steady level after fluctuations Settle, secure “The price of black and white TVs stabilized by 1973.” Verb
Diminish To decrease in size, extent, or importance Reduce, lessen “The cost of televisions diminished as technology improved.” Verb
Dominate To be the most influential or powerful Control, lead “Colour TVs began to dominate the market by the 1970s.” Verb
Affordable Reasonably priced and within financial reach Economical, budget-friendly “By 1973, colour TVs became more affordable.” Adjective
Contrast A difference between things being compared Distinction, opposition “The contrast between salaries and TV prices was striking.” Noun
Prosperity A state of economic growth and success Wealth, affluence “The rise in salaries reflected economic prosperity.” Noun
Boom A period of rapid growth Expansion, upturn “Japan experienced an economic boom in the 1970s.” Noun
Scarce In short supply Limited, rare “Colour TVs were scarce when first introduced.” Adjective
Evolve To develop gradually over time Progress, transform “TV technology evolved rapidly during this period.” Verb
Flourish To grow and develop successfully Thrive, prosper “The television industry flourished as demand increased.” Verb
Prominent Noticeable and important Significant, noticeable “Televisions became a prominent household item.” Adjective
Inevitable Certain to happen; unavoidable Unavoidable, certain “With rising incomes, TV affordability was inevitable.” Adjective
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