The map shows the village park, now and 10 years ago

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Map




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The map shows the village park, now and 10 years ago. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for the Maps

1. Graph Type: Maps

2. Title: Changes in the Village Park Over the Past Decade

3. What are the units of measurement?: Not applicable

4. Who: Local residents, visitors, and park authorities

5. What do the maps depict?: Developments and changes in the village park over the last 10 years

6. When: From 10 years ago to the present

7. Where: A village park

8. Topic: Landscape development and community amenities

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Park Layout 10 Years Ago

  • Details : The park featured a simple layout with an entrance at the north-west corner. The central area housed a football pitch flanked by two tennis courts to the north. A car park accommodating about 20 cars was situated north-west, while a children’s play area was located north-east. The south-east area contained woods and a pond.

Current Park Layout

  • Details : The park has experienced significant changes over the decade. A cycle path now encircles the park’s perimeter. The tennis courts have doubled, and the car park has expanded to accommodate about 50 cars. While the children’s play area remains in the same location, a soft play area has been added to the south. Toilets have also been constructed to the south of the children’s area. The pond has been transformed into a boating lake, and trees have been removed to make space for a café. Additionally, a picnic area has been established on the south-west side.

Sample Answer

The maps illustrate the significant changes that have occurred in the village park over the past decade. It is evident that substantial developments have transformed the park’s layout and functionality.

Ten years ago, the park was relatively simple, featuring an entrance at the north-west corner. A football pitch occupied the central area, with two tennis courts located to the north. To the north-west, there was a car park that could accommodate approximately 20 cars, while a children’s play area was situated in the north-east. The south-east portion of the park contained woods and a pond.

In contrast, the current layout of the village park reflects considerable enhancements. A cycle path now runs around the park’s perimeter. The tennis courts have doubled, and the car park has expanded to accommodate about 50 cars. The children’s play area remains unchanged, but a soft play area has been added to the south, along with new toilets. The pond has been transformed into a boating lake, and a café has been constructed where trees were previously located. A picnic area has also been established on the south-west side.

Overall, while the park’s total area remains the same, its functionality has significantly improved with the addition of various amenities.

Top 26 Vocabulary

Vocabulary  Meaning Synonyms Examples Type


To explain or make something clear by using examples

Demonstrate, depict

“The maps illustrate the significant changes in the village park.”



To make a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character

Change, convert

“The park has undergone substantial transformation.”



To improve the quality, value, or extent of something

Improve, augment

“The layout enhancements have significantly improved park functionality.”



To set up or lay the groundwork for something

Set up, create

“A picnic area has been established on the south-west side.”



To provide space for someone or something

House, hold

“The car park has expanded to accommodate about 50 cars.”



Of considerable importance or size

Significant, considerable

The park underwent substantial developments over the past decade.



In comparison with something else, somewhat

Comparatively, fairly

Ten years ago, the park was relatively simple in design.



To include or have something as a characteristic

Include, display, exhibit

The park featured a football pitch in the central area.



To provide space or room for something or someone

Hold, house, contain

The car park was designed to accommodate 20 cars initially.



A specific region or part of a place

Section, zone, region

The north-east area of the park contained a children’s play area.



A part or section of something

Segment, part, share

The south-east portion of the park contained woods and a pond.



The boundary or outer edge of a place

Boundary, edge, border

A cycle path runs along the park’s perimeter.



To increase by a factor of two

Multiply, expand, replicate

The tennis courts have doubled in number over the years.



To stay in the same condition or place

Stay, continue, persist

The children’s play area remains unchanged in the park’s new design.



Not altered or modified

Unaltered, constant, stable

The play area has remained unchanged, despite other improvements.



To include something extra

Include, incorporate, insert

A soft play area was added to the park’s southern section.



Facilities for personal hygiene (restrooms)

Bathrooms, restrooms, lavatories

New toilets were built near the southern play area.



The activity of using boats for recreation

Sailing, paddling, rowing

The pond has now been transformed into a boating lake.



To build or create something

Build, erect, establish

A café has been constructed in place of the trees.



Existing or occurring before something else

Prior, earlier, former

Trees were previously located where the café is now.



A meal eaten outdoors, usually with a social gathering

Outdoor meal, outing, lunch

A picnic area has been established on the south-west side of the park.



The range of operations or uses of something

Usability, practicality, utility

The park’s functionality has been greatly enhanced with new features.



To make something better or more effective

Enhance, upgrade, refine

The park’s functionality has significantly improved over the past decade.



The process of adding something to something else

Inclusion, supplement, extension

Several new amenities were added to the park, including a café and a picnic area.



To show, express, or indicate something

Indicate, represent, reveal

The current park layout reflects the improvements made over the years.



Happening or existing at the present time

Present, contemporary, ongoing

The current layout includes a café and a boating lake.


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