The number of cars produced in three countries in 2003, 2006 and 2009

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Tables




IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graph below shows the number of cars produced in three countries in 2003, 2006 and 2009. Summarise the information below in your own words.

Common Questions for the Table

1. Graph Type: Table

2. Title: Number of Cars Produced in Three Countries (2003, 2006, 2009)

3. What are the units of measurement?: Number of cars produced

4. Who: Car production in Argentina, Australia, and Thailand

5. When: Years 2003, 2006, 2009

6. Where: Argentina, Australia, Thailand

7. Topic: Comparison of car production figures in three countries over a six-year period

Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

Comparison 1 : Argentina (2003 to 2009)

  •  Details:

1. Car production rose significantly from over 160,000 in 2003 to more than 510,000 in 2009.

2. Increase of around 350,000 cars over the six-year period.

    Comparison 2 :Australia (2003 to 2009)


    1. Second highest production in 2003 at approximately 530,000 cars.

    2. Significant decline over the period to 345,000 in 2006 and further down to 225,000 in 2009.

    Comparison 3 : Middle Range (Australia and the US)


    1. American males and females retired at approximately 65 and 64 years, respectively.

    2. In Australia, men retired at 64 years 1 month, while women retired at 63 years 5 months.

    Sample Answer

    The given table provides data on the average retirement age of men and women in 2003 across six countries: Australia, the US, Japan, Italy, France, and Korea. It is evident that Korea had the highest retirement age for both genders, while France and Italy had the lowest.

    In Korea, men retired at 68 years 8 months, the highest among all, followed by Japan at 67 years 4 months. Similarly, the average retirement age for women was highest in Korea (67 years 2 months), with Japan close behind at 66 years 9 months.

    Conversely, Italy and France reported the lowest average retirement ages. In Italy, men retired at 58 years 2 months and women at 57 years 3 months, while French men and women retired at 57 years 4 months and 57 years 9 months, respectively.

    The US and Australia were in the middle range, with American men and women retiring at 65 years 6 months and 64 years 2 months, respectively. Australian males retired at 64 years 1 month and females at 63 years 5 months.

    Overall, retirement ages varied significantly, with Korea having the highest averages and France the lowest for both men and women.

    Top 28 Vocabulary

    Vocabulary  Type Meaning Synonyms Examples



    Shows or explains with details

    Demonstrates, depicts

    “The bar graph illustrates the number of cars produced in three countries.”



    Controlled or had a commanding position

    Led, prevailed

    “Thailand dominated car production throughout the period.”



    Important and noticeable

    Considerable, Substantial

    “Argentina saw a significant increase in car production.”



    A decrease in the number or quality

    Drop, reduction

    “Australia experienced a decline in car production.”



    Worthy of attention; remarkable

    Significant, noteworthy

    “Argentina showed a notable growth in car production.”

    Bar Graph


    A chart that uses bars to show comparisons

    Chart, Diagram

    “The bar graph illustrates car production in three countries.”



    Clearly visible or understood

    Obvious, Apparent

    “It is evident that Thailand led in car production.”



    An increase in size, number, or importance

    Rise, Expansion

    “Argentina demonstrated notable growth in car production.”



    Regular, continuous, and unchanging

    Stable, Consistent

    “Australia experienced a steady decline in car production.”



    Noticeable or clearly defined

    Distinct, Pronounced

    “Argentina showed a marked increase in vehicle production.”



    Being the most powerful or important

    Supremacy, Leadership

    “Thailand maintained its dominance in car production.”



    In a regular and predictable manner

    Continuously, Uniformly

    “Thailand consistently led in car production during these years.”



    Reached the highest point

    Climbed, Reached a high

    “Car production in Thailand peaked at 1,180,000 in 2006.”



    A decrease in size or amount

    Decline, Drop

    “Australia faced a reduction in car output over the years.”



    A means of transportation, like cars

    Automobile, Transport

    “The production of vehicles in Argentina increased significantly.”



    The amount of something produced

    Production, Yield

    “Australia’s car output fell to 225,000 by 2009.”



    A length of time during which something happens

    Duration, Span

    “The data covers a six-year period from 2003 to 2009.”



    Remaining the same over a period

    Steady, Unwavering

    “Thailand showed consistent dominance in car production.”



    Becoming smaller, fewer, or less

    Decreasing, Dropping

    “Australia’s car production was on a declining trend.”



    A sudden increase

    Rise, Spike

    “Argentina experienced a surge in vehicle production.”



    Close to but not exact

    Nearly, Roughly

    “Argentina’s production grew by approximately 350,000 vehicles.”



    To surpass in speed or amount

    Surpassed, Overtaken

    “Thailand outpaced the other countries in car production.”



    To change irregularly

    Vary, Oscillate

    “Car production in Thailand fluctuated slightly after 2006.”



    Being the most frequent or common

    Leading, Primary

    “Thailand remained the predominant car producer.”



    The state of being steady or unchanging

    Steadiness, Balance

    “Thailand showed stability in its production numbers.”



    A noticeable difference between two things

    Disparity, Difference

    “There was a sharp contrast in production trends between countries.”



    Comparing data from one year to the next


    “Year-on-year growth was observed in Argentina’s car production.”



    Deserving attention or notice

    Remarkable, Significant

    “Argentina’s car production increase is noteworthy.”

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