Modes of Transport Used by Children Traveling to School (1990 and 2010)

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Bar Graph

IELTS Writing Task 1 Question

The graph below shows the number of trips made by children in one country to travel to and from school in 1990 and 2010 using various modes of transport. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Common Questions for the Bar Graph

Key Points for the Report

1. Graph Type: Column Graph

2.Title: Modes of Transport Used by Children Traveling to School (1990 and 2010)

3. Focus : Comparison of trips made by children in different years and modes of transport


      Comparison Showing and Trends Any change over time (such as an increase or a decrease) is a trend.

      Comparison 1 : Transport Modesions

      •  Details:

          1. A variety of transport modes were analyzed: bus, car, walking, cycling, and combined bus and walking.


      Comparison 2: Shifts Over Time

      • Details:

        1.  A significant shift occurred between 1990 and 2010 in preferred modes of transport.

      Sample Answer

      The column graph illustrates the number of trips made by children travelling to and from school in a particular country between 1990 and 2010, utilizing various modes of transport. The vertical axis represents the number of trips in millions per year, while the horizontal axis categorizes the transport modes: bus, car, walking, cycling, and bus and walking combined.

      In 1990, bus trips dominated with around 12 million, significantly surpassing walking and cycling, which each accounted for approximately 6 million trips. Car trips were the least popular at about 4 million, while the combined trips by bus and walking reached around 7 million.

      By 2010, the landscape of school travel had changed dramatically. Car trips rose to about 12.5 million, becoming the most utilized mode of transport, with an increase of 8.5 million from 1990. Conversely, bus trips decreased to 6 million, halving from their previous count. Walking trips dropped to 3 million, and cycling further reduced to only 2 million. Combined bus and walking trips fell by 1 million from 1990.

      Overall, the data reveals a clear shift from buses as the primary mode of transport in 1990 to cars taking precedence by 2010.

      Top 26 Vocabularies


      Vocabulary (type) Type
      Meaning Synonyms Examples
      Illustrates Verb To explain or make something clear by using examples or visuals Demonstrates, depicts, shows “The graph illustrates the number of trips made by children.”
      Dominated Verb To be the most prominent or prevalent Controlled, prevailed, led “In 1990, bus trips dominated with around 12 million.”
      Significant Adjective Sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention Notable, considerable, substantial “A significant shift occurred between 1990 and 2010.”
      Utilized Verb To make practical and effective use of Employed, applied, used “Cars became the most utilized mode of transport.”
      Landscape Noun A particular area or aspect of a situation Environment, scene, setting “The landscape of school travel had changed dramatically.”
      Trips Noun Journeys or travels made to a destination Journeys, excursions “The graph shows the number of trips made by children to and from school.”
      Number Noun A count or total of something Quantity, total “The number of trips in 1990 was higher for buses than other modes.”
      Vertical Axis Noun The axis in a graph that runs vertically, representing data Y-axis, upright axis “The vertical axis represents the number of trips made.”
      Horizontal Axis Noun The axis in a graph that runs horizontally, representing categories X-axis, side axis “The horizontal axis categorizes the transport modes.”
      Category Noun A group or class of things with shared characteristics Class, type, group “The data is categorized into modes of transport such as bus, car, walking, and cycling.”
      Mode Noun A method or way of doing something Method, means, manner “The most popular mode of transport in 2010 was by car.”
      Dominant Adjective Having control or influence over something Leading, primary, chief “In 1990, buses were the dominant form of transport.”
      Surpassed Verb To exceed or go beyond in amount, quality, or degree Outpaced, exceeded “Bus trips surpassed walking and cycling trips significantly in 1990.”
      Significantly Adverb To an important or notable degree Substantially, considerably “Car trips increased significantly from 1990 to 2010.”
      Count Noun The total amount or number of something Total, sum “The count of car trips in 2010 reached 12.5 million.”
      Decrease Verb To reduce in size, amount, or number Diminish, lessen “Bus trips decreased to 6 million by 2010.”
      Rise Verb To increase or go up in level, number, or amount Increase, grow, escalate “Car trips rose to 12.5 million in 2010.”
      Half Verb To reduce by fifty percent Halve, split “Bus trips halved from 1990 to 2010.”
      Dropped Verb To fall or decrease in amount or number Fell, declined, decreased “Walking trips dropped to 3 million by 2010.”
      Further Adjective To a greater extent or degree Additional, more, extra “Cycling trips further reduced to only 2 million.”
      Shift Noun A change or movement from one position to another Change, transition, move “There was a shift from buses to cars as the preferred mode of transport.”
      Precedence Noun The condition of being more important or having priority Priority, priority status “By 2010, cars had taken precedence over buses in school travel.”
      Utilize Verb To make use of something Employ, use, apply “The various modes of transport were utilized by children for their school trips.”
      Comparative Adjective Involving comparison, showing how things differ Relative, contrasting “The comparative data shows the increase in car trips and the decrease in bus trips.”
      Demonstrates Verb To clearly show or make something evident Displays, exhibits “The graph demonstrates the travel trends over the years.”
      Becomes Verb To begin to be something or change into a different state Turns, changes, develops “Car trips became the most utilized mode of transport by 2010.”
      Overall Adverb Considering everything or as a whole In total, generally “Overall, there was a dramatic shift in the school travel patterns between 1990 and 2010.”
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